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Image result for a person on computer typingHow many bones do babies have? Do they have more than Adults? Authors can use two ways to present informaton. Whether its a article or a quick video. In the Article, the author states that ''the infant has around 300 bones while adults have 206 bones''( how many bones). The article also states that the infant has around 300 bones while a adult only has 206. The author goes into details about what bones are made of Penosteum, compact bone, cancellous and bone marrow and the process of bone development '' the process begins the eight week of embryonic development''(how many bones).
Image result for a baby skeleton

The essay also says that babies bones fuses together and the bones decrease one by one which is the reason why the bone count of the human goes to 300 to 206. In the same article the author states that bones changes don't stop, they continue to decrease with the age, alcohol consumption. While adding research about the rise of calcium and additonal bone facts and how to keep your bones healthy(how many bones.

Image result for a video clipHowever in the video the speaker shows a actual model of a human skeletal system while speaking quickly with less detail. The speaker mentions how many bones the adult has and a baby has. It is important in how the speaker is presenting the information since they are actually talking. If the speaker has a boring monotone voice the viewers wont be interested and the information wont be retained(the skeleton book) . A article appeals to those who plan on writing a essay needing research, data, evidence in a more broader perspective. A video is a quick and way to inform readers on a topic like it would be perfect if  your teacher says we'll watch this video and answer a few questions, but wont be as effective for writing a actual essay like a article .

Citatons: The Skeleton Book: Why Does a Baby Have More Bones than an Adult? Accessed 17 Feb. 2020.

“How Many Bones Does a Baby Have and Why Do Adults Have Fewer?” Healthline Accessed 17 Feb. 2020.


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