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Showing posts from January, 2020


    African Americans have been portrayed as the lesser human being for centuries. Whether it was being denied job opportunities, lower pay, fewer benefits, slavery, being denied education and civil rights .I n order to make a change for our people we had to step up and fight going against the political norm.     A century before the first black president Barack Obama ,who was successful at winning two presidential terms. There was George Edwin Taylor. A son of a slave who was the first African American to run for president in 1909 against Theodore Roosevelt. Edwin had already been president in the National Colored men protective association and the National Negro Democratic League. Where African Americans fought against slave culture in the country. Taylor ran for office at the peak of the civil war. where there were people who were pro civil rights and not pro black president.   Black men had already got the right to vote in 1870, under the 15th amendment but Black


Is it the 19th century or the 21st century? I need a refresher. We're in a political world where the most important person in the country takes being the president as joke. Where he as president put himself over the citizens and problems of the nation. Its like were in the 1860's all over again with Andrew Johnson the first impeached president in history. I thought times would have changed, it been centuries literally! Discrimination, racism, using your power to belittle and intimidate people around you , and  stirring more hatred. who is this guy talking about? I just described Andrew Johnson and the current president Donald Trump who terms though were hundreds of years apart, different economic issues and problems.  Are the two more alike than we think?           Andrew Johnson was Born into poverty in the 1800's he wasn't educated but he was self-educated he taught himself. Although he did have prior experience
      Did you ever think that going to a public college has more downfalls than going to a private? A ccording to this ''Education fact'. ''Less than one third of students who start off at public college will graduate within six years'. Instead of the four that both me and you have always been told when college is talked about.       The article entitled ''Federal government publish more complete graduation rate data'' explores the evidence of attending public and private colleges and being a full part time studies or being a transfer.     The article states the 4 year graduation rate for ''students attended public colleges and universities is 33.3% while the six year rate is 57.6% and 65.4% earn a degree in 6 years. Then even states, that at first the calculation by the U.S department of education was just part time and full time they were not including '' the graduation statistics for students who were only part time o

about me

                                   About me  I am jaylan lester i was born and raised in Georgia. I am one of 5 children and i am 19 years old. I am now a freshman in college at gerogia gwinnett college .and i am all new to this and i am still adjusting to being a college student. I moved here in Atlanta from a city called warner robins and i must say i am enjoying it so far. My hobbies are spending time with my friends and going to the movies.